Netflix Bundle

December 2024

Lead Designer

Figma, Jira


How can Frontier Communications package Netflix along with other Wi-Fi products and present it as a Bundled product with Fiber Internet?
How can we present all plan options in a way that does not overwhelm prospective customers?

According to Netflix's requirements, we cannot promote Netflix as a standalone product.
Instead, Netflix must be included as part of a bundle, offered at a single price for that bundle.
This approach is intended to obscure Netflix's discounted pricing.


Create an additional version of the product plan cards that combines Frontier Fiber Internet with the Netflix and Pro Wi-Fi Bundle for a single unified price.

At all entry points, display both sets of plan cards with a toggle option above them. This will allow prospective customers to choose which plan they want to view. By doing so, users can easily browse all available plans and select the one that best suits their needs.

User Flow

User flow for buying the Netflix Bundle online includes three steps: first, customers learn about the bundle's features and benefits; second, they select a plan to purchase; and finally, they receive confirmation and access details.

New Customer - Flow

Capturing each possible touchpoint of the user flow with low-fidelity illustrations.

Overview of all pages, and touch points of the new customer learn and buy flow hi-fidelity designs.

All pages below are possible touch points where prospective customers can engage and learn about our Netflix bundled product offering. homepage product plan cards are left toggled on “Fiber Only” plans.
The right image shows the toggled “Bundles” showing the Netflix bundles plan cards.

Overview of the new customer buy flow - starting at the product selection page, showing different use cases of value-added services including the Netflix Pro Wi-Fi Bundle.

Product Selection - Bundled toggled ON

Product Selection - Bundled toggled OFF

Existing Customer - Flow

Capturing each possible touchpoint of the user flow with low-fidelity illustrations.

Overview of all pages and touchpoints of the existing customer learn and buy flow hi-fidelity designs.

Customer Homepage

Account Dashboard

Pre-launch Research

Test objective - This study intended to see the viability and conceptual validation of a bundle including a Netflix Premium plan.

Type of test
Usability test (Unmoderated)

This study intended to see the visibility and conceptual validation for a bundle including a Premium Netflix plan.

Participants: 63 Participants were recruited through Userlytics to take a short quantitative survey,
Users were recruited based on incomes over $50K and considering a new internet provider.

Two group - scenarios
1. Existing Netflix Primary Account Holders & Past Netflix Primary Account Holders (33).
Primary - means the individual is the one paying for the account.

2. Those open to getting a Netflix Account (30).
They classified themselves as either seriously considering or open to getting Netflix.

Test Plan
5-Second Tests on the assets from the new customer homepage,
Bundled plan cards, availability hero, more perks component, second chance offer modal.

Post-launch Research

Test objective - This study intends to provide insight into why, new customers xxx. and why existing customers are not purchasing the Netflix bundle.

Type of test
Usability test (Unmoderated)



Two group - scenarios
1. Existing Netflix Primary Account Holders & Past Netflix Primary Account Holders (X).

2. Those open to getting a Netflix Account (X).

Test Plan

Thanks for viewing!


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